Science and Subtle Energy

Scientific Studies or the Non- Quantum Physics explanation…

In 1729, subtle energy became a scientific study.  Sir Isaac Newton wrote the first modern description of an  aura’ or the energy surrounding the body. He spoke of an ‘electromagnetic light,’ a ‘subtle, vibrating, electric medium’ that was excitable and exhibited phenomena similar to an electro-magnetic field – with repulsion, attraction and motion.

Beginning in the 1970’s, Dr. Valerie Hunt* began to research BIO-Energy fields. She received a grant to study  Structural Integration or Rolfing (a technique for reshaping and realigning the body through deep tissue manipulation.) During the course of her research she worked with Roslyn Bruyere, a healer.  Rosalyn was able to see the subtle energy bodies (aura). Together they were able to measure the frequencies of the human energy field and discovered that these frequencies correlated with the frequencies of visible light.

They concluded that what science had been calling the human energy field and what religious traditions had been calling the ‘aura’ were the same. The results of their research provided evidence that this ‘auric field’ or piezio-electric energy field is generated by smaller internal vortices of energy -the chakras.

Around that time science was coming to the conclusion that the mind is not in the brain, but that it is an energy field in and around the body! ( see Wheels of Light by Roslyn Buryere, The Body Electric, Dr. Robert O. Becker)

Today’s scientists study the smallest particles of energy in quantum physics and they are now discovering what the ancients knew – our bodies are not solid entities but interacting fields of energy in constant motion.

        * Dr. Hunt is Emeritus Professor in the UCLA Department of Physiological Sciences and a  former Chairman of the        department of Kinesiology at UCLA.


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