Complementary Techniques

Complementary Techniques for healing …

image3221Other healing tools, (some healer-women call them ‘tinker tools’) that you may want to consider for well-being, self-transformation and self-empowerment.  Some people may consider one or two of the following ‘a little hokey,” and that’s understandable. However, the keys to relaxation, stress reduction or healing may present themselves in surprising forms.

Nothing on this site is meant to take the place of Western Medicine.  Reiki Masters/Practitioners do not diagnose.  We do not ‘heal’, we facilitate the healing.

Please take advantage of all the information that is currently available through the internet and other resources – whether it is MEDDocs, PBS, the History Channel or your local library.

If you are in the middle of a healing crisis get two or three medical opinions and do your research.

Even then, taking responsibility for your health sometimes involves making large decisions. Give yourself the gift of forming a very large support team. Reach out to support groups, healing circles and allow your dis-ease to change your life (thinking, habits, emotions) for the better.

Here are some complementary techniques that can be combined with Reiki.

  • Crystals
  • Rainbow Mirror Work
  • Aromatherapy – essential oils
  • Garden Herbs, ‘Magical Herbs’
  • Meditation (sitting, walking, maze, mandela, dreaming…)
  • Crystal Salt lamps
  • Toning with Voice (using the voice as a healing tool), Instrument or Linklater Voice Work
  • Tuning Forks, Crystal Bowls, Chimes – using frequency as a healing tool (also tonal rocks if you have access to them)
  • Music – different styles may benefit  individual Chakras (Acoustic Guitar is great for the Heart Chakra)
  • Angel work
  • Body work – massage, Tui Na, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Lymph release, Acupressure, Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs, Reflexology, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Chiropractor, Kinesthesiology.
  • Physical Movement – Yoga (various styles) Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Luigi Jazz Warm-up, The Cat – a full body actor’s warm up. Working with cellular memory and emotions.
  • Cognitive Therapy – changing your habits into ‘gold’, increase in concentration, head injury recovery.
  • Louise Hay Books – balanced self- love and healing
  • Shamanic journeying, visualization
  • Past Life regression, hypnotherapy – restructuring memory
  • Doing something you love – being in nature, painting, dancing…
  • And of course – a balanced spiritual practice of your choosing

Coming up…

In this site’s upcoming blog, we’ll add information, healing experiences, and a guest or two.

This site is currently under construction….


 Thank you for visiting.

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