Reiki Resources



DNA representation


Several of my favorite Reiki books that you may want to read:

Empowerment through Reiki by Paula Horan

Reiki Energy Medicine by Libby Barnett and Maggie Chambers with Susan Davidson

Reiki Universal Life Energy  by Bodo J. Baginski


Blue Meditation Mandela – c.1993


Books that may be helpful and enlightening about subtle energy anatomy, chakras and their connection to self-transformation or energy medicine:

                                  Wheels of Light by Roslyn Bruyere

                                   The Body Electric by Dr. Robert O. Becker

                                   Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan


Blue Mandela c.1993
Blue Meditation Mandela c.1993


Other healing tools, (some healer-women call them ‘tinker tools’) that you may want to consider for well-being, self-transformation and self-empowerment.  Some may consider one or two of the following ‘a little hokey,” however, the keys to relaxation, stress reduction or healing may present themselves in surprising forms.

Nothing on this site is meant to take the place of Western Medicine.  Reiki Masters/practitioners do not diagnose. 

Please take advantage of all the information that is currently available through the internet and other resources – whether it is MEDDocs, PBS, the History Channel or your local library.

If you are in the middle of a healing crisis get two or three medical opinions and do your research. And listen to your doctor, but don’t let anyone bully you.  Do your homework. If you have questions about procedures – have him pull out his text books and SHOW you what he/she plans to do.  How many of these procedures have they performed?

Yes, They went to medical school – but it’s your body, your life, your health!! And sometimes your good common sense and intuition can guide you.  And sometimes, we are too afraid to think clearly.

Even then, taking responsibility for your health sometimes involves making large decisions. Give yourself the gift of forming a large support team. Reach out to support groups, healing circles and allow your dis-ease to change your life (thinking, habits, emotions) for the better.  Sometimes we get caught in a ‘spin-cycle’  – a medicative habit or thought pattern, one which may initially help us survive life challenges or trauma. This habit or pattern may later contribute to dis-ease.  When we feel our body changing – always tired, poor digestion, ongoing aches, etc. – that is our cue to search for the cause versus treating the symptom.  Finding the answers is not always easy.  Anyone accessing self-awareness in search of the root cause of any dis-ease should be applauded for their courage and strength.


  • Meditation – top of the list.  Accessing the ‘still point’ – the internal quiet. No sound, tv, phone, internet, ‘noise’
  • Crystals – Hokey? (Hmmm…. quartz as a conductor? …. think watches and computers ….)
  • Rainbow Mirror – it is the reflection in water.  The reflection of a tree in a dark bowl of water or the moon reflected on water is often useful in accessing inner vision.
  • Aromatherapy – some aromatherapy oils are very good for mood shifting and emotional release.
  • Garden Herbs, Ayurvedic Herbs, Chinese Herbs – best to consult a skilled practitioner or nutritionist.
  • Walking or Mandela Meditation, Tai Chi is an active meditation. Origami is meditative.
  • Crystal Salt lamps – the soft light is very relaxing, not to mention the other touted aspects.
  • Toning with Voice, Instrument or Linklater Voice Work – using sound in the body as a release tool.
  • Tuning Forks – Each chakra has a frequency and vibrates to a musical note.
  • Music – different styles may benefit specific Chakras and often helpful in rebalancing.
  • Color
  • Angel work – prayer.
  • Body work – massage, Tui Na, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Lymph release, Acupressure, Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs, Reflexology, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Chiropractor, Kinesthesiology
  • Cognitive Therapy – changing behavior using a variety of techniques.
  • Louise Hay Books – Thank you Louise Hay
  • And of course – a balanced spiritual practice of your choosing


Set aside time to spend with yourself for self nurturing and self-care, but do not isolate. Remember to find time to spend with up-lifting supportive friends, loved ones or activities that add to your community.  And practice the gentle art of gratitude. Gratitude actually changes your energy level.

                                                                          More information ….. coming soon.


Blue Meditation Mandela @ 1993

Much love and many blessings go out to you from this Reikibody site.




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