Reiki for You

Is Reiki for you?

7 Things to Know about a Reiki Treatment

  1. Reiki is experiential. Most find a Reiki session enjoyable and relaxing.  When receiving a Reiki treatment, the Reiki energy seems to intelligently /intuitively find it’s way to wherever it is needed.
  2. Reiki treatments come in all shapes and sizes. A Reiki treatment can be performed on yourself (if you are a practitioner) or on others.
  3. If receiving Reiki, a client sits or lies down while the practitioner places his or her hands on or above the client’s body. it is unnecessary for the client to remove clothes and NO private areas of the body are touched.
  4. The practitioner ‘channels’ energy through his/her body and the recipient draws in as much or a little as they need.
  5. The Reiki treatment may take anywhere from five minutes to an hour.
  6. Often a session includes soft lighting/candles, aromatherapy and relaxing music.
  7. A good way to first experience a Reiki treatment is through attending a Reiki circle which is often located near you. Reiki practitioners can be found in almost every country.