The Healing Power of Words

The color of heart chakra is green. Pink is a color of healing.

In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God….

It’s true, according to Biblical scholars there are several interpretations of this well known sentence found in Genesis.  As a child, I took it quite literally and marveled at how that could happen.

Creation began with a word? Not easy to believe. Unless you have been on the receiving end of a verbal scolding or abuse. Depending on your childhood, often, the negativity or intensity of those words and the lowered expectations of them is easier  to believe and accept than loving ones.

Often the creation of anger, a bad mood, hopelessness, low self esteem or self doubt begins with hateful angry words flung at you in a vulnerable moment.  Sometimes those words are meant to shame you, sometimes those terrible words are meant to control you. Sometimes those words are simply a projection from someone who has not confronted their own wounds.

Never-the-less, often those words affect the rest of your life. Crazy as it may seem to others, those words may haunt you through out your life and cause you to react or act out to “prove them wrong.” And there you are  – a co-creator of something that may affect you for the rest of your life.  The hurtful phrase “you are a lazy good-for nothing” provokes some to over achieve, others to accept and become them. And still others to ‘shake it off’ yet always feel that haven’t done enough. There’s always one more thing they have to do.

The healing moment begins when you repeat the event or the story and a friend, a lover, or a complete stranger “gets it” and witnesses the pain you absorbed in that moment. The listening, the understanding – the compassion you feel in that new moment provides loving insight self-compassion and healing.  Healing words follow. They are healing because you feel the love in them.

Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein agreed that everything is energy.  Tesla often said that, “if you want to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration. ”

But, do words themselves have energy and frequency and vibration? As a society, we have an emotional vocabulary – language that describes how we are feeling.

  1. Body workers remark on how often emotions that are stored in muscle memory bubble to the surface during a massage.  Many times massaging one part of a client’s body releases a stored emotional event.  For instance, massaging a sore shoulder can cause a client to remember and release a stressful part of their week, even snippets of angry dialogue that they wanted to reply to their boss but didn’t. Sometimes they remember events that happened months or even years ago.
  2. In the Secret Life of Water, Dr. Masaru Emoto  studied the affect of words on the life force of water crystals. In his study he placed water crystals under a microscope and watched them change shape when various emotions and words were directed at them. You guessed it, angry, hateful words and previously beautiful water crystals changed shape to fractured or distorted crystals. Loving words and the water crystals formed beautiful, complex and even colorful snowflake-like patterns.  (Some consider him a pseudo scientist but with the human body composed of 98% water –  it’s not a great leap to speculate the affect on human cells or even human DNA.) 
  3. Actors can easily recreate an emotion by tapping into the language of muscle memory through sensory exercises.

Looks as though The Beach Boys were onto something when they wrote their hit “good vibrations.”  





About ReikiBody 2 Articles
Deborah is a certified Usui Reiki Master, Practitioner, Teacher providing Reiki sessions with additional knowledge of body, breath, and sound techniques,. She is an experienced Musician, Actress, Singer, Speaker, Writer, Web designer and holds a B.S. Ed (Music: Voice & Piano) & Associates (Theater Performance)