Blue Mandela

Mandela for healing and relaxation

Playing with Mandelas

A Mandela is a circular symbol sometimes used in meditation, healing, or art therapy.  Believed to originate in Tibetan Budhism, it symbolizes the self and inner harmony. You can create your own.

(NO. I’m not talking about the Mandela effect. Yes, I can read that crap too. I choose not to. Low vibrations.)

I’m talking about using a Mandela to rebalance and heal.  To create play space in your brain. 

It’s a great stress release from  anxiety.  (Right now, several of us are drawing and ‘coloring at home.’)

In a Psychology Today article posted Mar 17, 2010, Cathy Malchiodi, PhD, LPAT, ATR-BC, REAT, mentions how we can use drawing and coloring a Mandela.  She also tells a great back story of how this “cool art therapy got some Western recognition (Carl Jung) and can comfort and soothe.”  See link: Cathy Malchiodi PhD, LPCC, LPAT, ATR-BC, REAT  

Can it boost the immune system, reduce stress and pain, lower blood pressure, promote sleep and ease depression? I think it can, but  I have an aditional theory – a lot of healing can be accomplished by re-connecting to your inner child. Drawing, coloring, playing games are great ways to connect with play and joy during stressful times. 

You can create your own Mandela with flower petals or geometric designs. It’s a great way to refocus your thinking while creating a relaxing ‘brain space.’  Self comfort and soothe? Sounds great!  I’m all about that. (Drawing a Mandela, can literally stop a worried intellectual spin cycle – those inner arguments you have  with yourself when unable to resolve an external conflict.)

To draw your own, there’s a great art therapy LINK to get you started.    link–cms-29570

As they say – there is no wrong or right way to do it.  I drew the above Blue Mandela after geting attuned to the second level Reiki. Back then, I didn’t really know much about Mandelas, it was just something that I saw in my sleep – and wanted to draw. I even used a jar lid to make a circle.

(Right now, I’m home coloring with colored pencils, crayon and magic markers… playtime rules!) 

Often, life presents challenges that lead to healing phases – some are emotional, some physical, some mental. Some spiritual. ( I think Covid-19 presents us with all of that.)

But, prior to 2020’s new level of living, there have been some healing hurdles in my life.

In 1997, I was a pedestrian crossing the street in NYC and was hit by a car.  I was struck on the left side, fell up on the car hood, then was tossed onto the sidewalk as the driver hit the brakes. I suffered a brain concussion and soft tissue damage.  The good news? I landed in Judo position – which saved my head from hitting the pavement.  (Those judo drills paid off!) As I lay stunned on the pavement, trying to sort out what happened,  I experienced a ‘brain – larger than the one in my head.’  I have no other way to describe it.  My super conscious or mental body retained some sort of awareness, while the brain in my head could not put a sentence or thought together.  Some brain information was missing, but the super conscioiusness/larger brain  got me off the pavement and standing.

There were several parts to my recovery.  Medical tests, Reiki, cognitive therapy, cranial – sacral therapy, chiropractic, TENS unit, Luigi Dance (only some of the beginner rehab stretches), music, sound toning and cognitive concentration exercises for my brain. Initially, when one psychologist offered medication I forcefully refused. (I had no remaining tact either!) Which turned out to be a good thing. I’ve since been told that cognitive therapy is the better path for that type of brain injury.

And play.  Yes you read that correctly, PLAY.  I had very little remaining concentration, was sore with neck and brain injury, was easily upset and my motor skills were off. Truly, I was no longer functioning at the adult level that I was used to.  It was similar to being an injured toddler in an adult body. My speech was off. Friends didn’t recognize me on the phone. ( An actor friend said I sounded like a German Pretzel girl…Whaaat?!)

So, with my Cognitive therapist’s gentle support, I purchased children’ s toys that I enjoyed as a child and played.  I really don’t know where I got that idea, but I thought I would coax myself into wellness by playing. Coloring books, Candy Land, paddle ball, puzzles – yes that type of play. It was my brain level at the time.

Interesting , isn’t it?  Play to get well.  

I later learned that even sound and colors have healing frequencies.  The next post?  Colors are good for you!





About ReikiBody 2 Articles
Deborah is a certified Usui Reiki Master, Practitioner, Teacher providing Reiki sessions with additional knowledge of body, breath, and sound techniques,. She is an experienced Musician, Actress, Singer, Speaker, Writer, Web designer and holds a B.S. Ed (Music: Voice & Piano) & Associates (Theater Performance)