Reiki: Start Here

reiki symbolREIKI : The Universal Life Force Energy

Loosely translated, the word Reiki (Ray-key) comes from the Japanese ‘Raku-key’. It means both the universal boundless energy and the vital life force energy which flows through all living beings.

Where does Reiki / Universal Life force energy originate?

Perhaps a better question for a quantum physicist, but in my kindergarten knowledge, scientists and practitioners, working together have found evidence that the Universal Life Force Energy relates to the electromagnetic field, which emanates from all matter and is the energy that keeps us alive.

Reiki Energy is different from electricity or electromagnetic energy in that we do not yet have the equipment to measure it.

Knowledge of this energy system is not revolutionary, it is part of the ancient and lost mysteries that all religious traditions record. Some of the more familiar labels are  “Halos, Wings, a Light, Aura, the Holy Ghost, Ki, Chi.”

Is Reiki a religion?

NO. No. and No.

Reiki is spiritual in nature, but not a religion. It is life renewing. Reiki is available to everyone. It can be practiced by anyone. There is a loving intent in the practice of Reiki.

Practitioners and recipients are encouraged to make their own decisions regarding the nature of their religious practices and beliefs.

Dr. Usui taught 5 basic tenets (of integrity) that accompany the Reiki Training. 

  1. Just for today,  do not worry.
  2. Just for today, do not be angry.
  3. Honor your parents, teachers, elders.
  4. Earn your living Honestly.
  5. Show Gratitude to everything.

reiki symbolHow does a Reiki practitioner facilitate the energy?

In the tradition of Reiki, when a practitioner taps into the Universal Life Force Energy, the energy enters through the crown of the practitioner and flows from the hands of the practitioner into the recipient. Reiki is not the practitioner’s energy. Instead, the recipient draws in the Universal Life Force Energy through the practitioner similar to drinking through a straw. The recipient is in charge of the energy and draws in or releases as much as he or she needs re-balance their energy fields.

What does a Reiki treatment feel like?

 Most recipients say a Reiki experience is comforting, relaxing, energizing. When a recipient is drawing in the energy, often there is a warming feeling. As a recipients energy rebalances, there may be a cooling feeling. What one experiences during a Reiki treatment varies from person to person. Some drift off to sleep. Some report multiple sites of warmth. Some have a dreamlike or mystical experience or simply feel it is a healing journey. And some recipients just feel a little more relaxed at the conclusion of a Reiki Session.

I’m receiving medical treatment, would Reiki help?

Reiki works in conjunction with all Western Medical healing modalities. The RN journal reported Reiki as one of the complementary therapies being offered in patient care.  Most critical care facilities are now offering Reiki as well as other alternative modalities such as Therapeutic Touch.

Would I be able to learn the practice of Reiki and become a practitioner too?

Absolutely.  Reiki practitioners come from all walks of life, all religious beliefs and all nationalities.

Please access the Reiki for You  page for more information.

reiki symbolThere is an attunement process for practicing Reiki.

During a Reiki class, a perspective practitioner learns about the history and practice of Reiki.

The Reiki student receives a series of attunements from a Reiki Master Teacher.

An Reiki student is attuned to Reiki – much like the process of adjusting

a dial on a radio to ‘tune-in’ to the Reiki Energy.

****Please Note: There are other energy modalities that do not require attunements from a Master Teacher.  However, most energy modalities do require regular practice to  increase their efficacy.


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