Reiki, Universal Life Force & Subtle Energy

REIKI: The Universal Life Force Energy

Universal Life Force Energy is the energy that flows through us and around us, nurtures us and keeps us alive.  It is known by many names in many cultures – chi, ki, holy spirit, prana, just to name a few.

Subtle Energy Anatomy refers to the energy system that flows through us and around us – nurturing us and keeping us alive. The idea that living cells radiate an invisible presence has been an enduring concept.  The development of kirlian photography I revealed to modern eyes what the ancients often saw – the ever changing rainbow of energy and color surrounding the human body, plants and animals.

Thousands of years ago, Tibetans, Japanese, Chinese, Egyptian, Greeks – to mention a few, used their understanding of combining energy, matter, and spirit to heal.  But these energy healing techniques were closely guarded and usually passed by word of mouth from priests to their disciples.

According to the ancient texts that have survived, our bodies are surrounded by several sheaths of energy – and are often identified as subtle energy bodies.

Across the landscape of each sheath there is an energy bridge or energy center that the ancients refer to as a chakra – a spinning wheel of light.  (Notice the colored circles, chakras, on the diagram at the right)

Each chakra corresponds to a physical system and organ. Each vibrated to a frequency which corresponds to a sound and color.

…a chakra is a spinning vortex or wheel of colored light in key locations across the body.

Beyond that is an energy network of Nadi similar to veins and arteries connecting and delivering the life force to each cell. Ancient texts show drawings that resemble the electric grid of a circuit board lying on top of the body.

The key to our self-transformation lies in the vibrational spin of the body’s subtle energy centers, the chakras.  The closer to their optimal  levels, the healthier we become.



There are many modalities of energy medicine that utilize this ancient pathway of subtle energy.  Reiki is one of the techniques that stimulates and balances the chakras, releasing a free flow of energy.  Some of the others are listed below.  Each modality is like a key to accessing the Universal Life Force Energy.


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